5. Titlebar

5. Titlebar


5.1 Twinsity Menu



5.1.1 Generate report

When you have completed your inspection, you can create a report out of all the annotations within photos that you made. Click "Generate Report" to open the report customisation window. Reports are styled according to the default style that is part of Twinspect®. The reports contain all photo annotations in the order of the tree in the annotation panel.

To create a report on damages and irregularities of a building structure using 3D models and 2D photos, follow these steps:



1. Open the report function in Twinspect.

2. Enter a report title to identify the report easily.

3. Choose the sorting method of the report, either by rating, damages or tags.

4. Provide a summary of the report to give a general overview of the findings.

5. Add the name of the report's author for reference.

6. Enter the name of the company, that is responsible for the inspection.

7. Add the date when the photos were taken, to record the time of inspection.

8. Add the inspection date, to keep track of when the report was created.

9. Check the box to include a logo if desired and upload the logo accordingly.

10. Check the box to store the report in the blockchain if desired for permanent and secure storage.

The various annotations made in the 3D or 2D area will be displayed in the report. Each annotation includes text, a severity level, and a description to further detail the issue.




All created reports are listed in this table. If the report was signed with Blockchain, it will be noted next to the issue date (“Created at”) and an option to re-download the report will be available.


Create report and cancel

By clicking on "Create Report", the report is generated and signed if necessary. This process can take up to several minutes, as the signing process in particular is time-consuming and takes place outside of Twinspect. A loading spinner indicates that the process is still running. At the end of the process, the PDF-file download starts (this happens according to your browser settings).

NOTE: Make sure your pop-up blocker is off or allows Twinsity to create a pop-up.


5.1.2 Settings

In the setting menu, the basic settings for TWINSPECT can be adjusted:



1. Select Skybox

Choose a background to display throughout the model.

The term “Skybox” describes a six-sided cube that surrounds the 3D model in order to locate it in an environment, for example, with a cloudy sky, mountains on the horizon and a river flowing under the model. Twinspect® contains several default skyboxes from the categories default, clouds, space and terrain. The show-checkbox applies the selected skybox to the model without closing the dialog.

2. Ground

This button toggles the transparency of the ground. Especially if a skybox with terrain is activated, the ground should be deactivated, otherwise it will hide the terrain surface.

3. Grid

Show/hide the grid in the model.

4. Axes

Show/hide the axes in the model.

This button toggles the visibility of the axes X (red), Y (green) and Z (blue).

5. Privot Point

Show/hide the pivot point in the model.

This button toggles the visibility of the pivot point which is the point in the 3D model around which all rotations, scaling and movements in orbital navigation are centered. If activated, the pivot point is visible when the left mouse button is held down and the mouse is moved.

6. Camera Positions

Show/hide the camera positions of all Twinspect images.
If this option is enabled, the cameras and their specific position and alignment in space are displayed in the 3D model. On hover, a camera icon turns green. If clicked, the corresponding photo is shown in the photo viewer.

7. Show Minimap in 3D

Show/hide minimap in the 2D panel.


8. Show image spotlight in 2D

Show/hide a green spotlight on the selected location in the 3D model in the 2D panel.


9. Show annotations from other images in 2D

Show/hide annotations in all images that show the location.


Settings overview:


1. Skybox with terrain activated, grid and ground deactivated.

2. Skybox with terrain and grid activated, ground deactivated.

3. Skybox with terrain and ground activated, grid deactivated.

4. Skybox with terrain, grid and ground activated.

5. Skybox deactivated, grid and ground activated.

6. Skybox and grid deactivated, ground activated.

7. Skybox and ground deactivated, grid activated.


5.1.3 Texture Quality

By default, 3D models are loaded with the best resolution available. Should this, for example, overload the memory resources of the browser, a lower resolution is automatically selected and reloaded. In this menu the current resolution can be seen and another one can be selected. The icon indicates with a warning sign when the best resolution is not activated - either for technical reasons or due to a user selection.

The following image demonstrates the effect of different resolution sizes on a 3D model and its textures:



5.1.4 Standard Camera Position

Under the menu item "Standard Camera Position" you can change your current position in the 3D model.

The following standard views are available for this purpose:




5.1.5 Rendering

In this menu item you can set which different parts of a 3D model should be visible in the 3D panel:



Point Cloud

When enabled, instead of the 3D model, a cloud of colored points in space will represent the 3D structure of the project.



Wire Frame

When activated, a triangle mesh wireframe of the 3D structure is displayed instead of the 3D model, with a line drawn at the location of each edge that is connected to another edge.



Double Sided

By default, the textures of the 3D model are one sided, so that they appear to be transparent from the inside. If double sided is activated, the texture will be visible from both sides.



5.2 View Menu

In Twinspect, you can turn annotations on and off, specify that annotations are always in the foreground, choose between auto navigation, presentation, and first-person mode to navigate the 3D model, and use the expandable panel options to reset all settings and show and hide the 3D, 2D, and annotation panels.


1. Show Annotations

Enable or disable annotations.

2. Show Annotations on Top

Enable or disable annotations always in the foreground.

3. Autonavigation-Mode

Select Autonavigation-Mode to navigate through the 3D model when a annotation or photo gets selected. If you want to stay where your are, deselect this mode.

4. Presentation-Mode

Select presentation mode to navigate through the 3D model.

5. First-Person-Mode

Select first-person mode to navigate through the 3D model.

First-person mode is a navigation method. When it is activated, the mouse is no longer represented by a cursor, but directly reflects the user's perspective. Press the arrow keys or the WASD-keys in order to navigate the model. Press ESC to return to the default navigation mode (orbital navigation).

6. Panels


  1. Reset all settings and positions of panels.
  2. Show/hide 3D panel.
  3. Show/hide 2D panel.
  4. Show/hide annotation panel.

Panel Options: Twinspect also allows you to control the visibility of panels in the interface. You can show or hide the 3D panel, 2D panel, and annotation panel by going to the view settings and choosing "Show/hide 3D panel", "Show/hide 2D panel", and " Show/hide annotation panel" respectively. Additionally, you can reset all panel settings and positions by choosing "Reset all panel settings and positions".


5.3 Support Menu



1. Contact

Open your email program and set support@twinsity.com as recipient. To this mail you can write all requests and problems.

2. Support

Open our support page twinsity.com/hc


5.4 Model Menu


1. Set view as Project-Thumbnail..

The preview images of a model displayed in the portal can be changed. Click on "Set view as Project-Thumbnail" to create a thumbnail from the current 3D view.

2. Copy Project-Sharing Link

Clicking on this button copies a link that leads directly to the current project. Here it is important to note that only users who have been released to the project in the portal have access to the model.


5.5 Generate Report Button

When you have completed your inspection, you are able to create a report out of all the annotations that you have made in photos. The report function is started via the corresponding button in the titlebar. Reports are styled according to a default PDF-style that is part of Twinspect®. The reports contain all photo annotations in the order of the tree in the annotation panel. 


To create a report on damages and irregularities of a building structure using 3D models and 2D photos, follow these steps:



1. Open the report function in Twinspect.

2. Enter a report title to identify the report easily.

3. Choose the sorting method of the report, either by ratings or alphabetically.

4. Provide a summary of the report to give a general overview of the findings.

5. Input the report author's name for reference.

6. Enter the company name that is responsible for the inspection.

7. Input the date the photos were taken to record the time of inspection.

8. Input the inspection date to keep track of when the report was created.

9. Check the box to include a logo if desired and upload the logo accordingly.

10. Check the box to store the report in the blockchain if desired for permanent and secure storage.

In the report, the various annotations made in the 3D or 2D area will be displayed. Each annotation includes text, a severity level, and a description to provide more detail about the issue.



In this table, all reports that have been generated are listed. Next to the Issue Date (“Created at”) is the information if the Report has been signed with Blockchain and a possibility to re-download the report.


Create Report and Cancel

By clicking on "Create Report…", the report is generated in the background and signed if necessary. This process can take up to several minutes, as the signing process in particular is time-consuming and takes place outside Twinspect, so we have no influence on it. A loading spinner indicates that the process is still active. At the end of the process, the PDF-file download starts according to the browser settings.

NOTE: Make sure your pop-up blocker is off or allows Twinsity to create a pop-up.


5.6 Notifications

You will be notified in case Twinspect is not using the highest texture quality.

By default, 3D models are loaded with the best resolution available. Should this, for example, overload the memory resources of the browser, a lower resolution is automatically selected and reloaded. In this menu the current resolution can be seen and another one can be selected. The icon indicates with a warning sign when the best resolution is not activated - either for technical reasons or due to a user selection.

The following image demonstrates the effect of different resolution sizes on a 3D model and its textures:



5.7 Account Settings


In the account settings, you have the ability to manage your personal information and login details. This is a critical area where you can keep your account secure and up-to-date.

One of the most important features of the account settings is the ability to change your password. It is crucial to change your password regularly, especially if you suspect that someone may have gained unauthorized access to your account. With just a few clicks, you can create a new, secure password that will keep your account protected.

Another important aspect of the account settings is the ability to update your personal information. Here, you can edit your name, email address, and other details that are associated with your account. Keeping your personal information up-to-date is important not only for security reasons but also to make sure that any notifications or correspondence from the service provider reach you.

Finally, the account settings also provide you with the option to log out of your account. When you're finished using the service, it's essential to log out to prevent unauthorized access to your account. By logging out, you can ensure that the next person who uses the device cannot access your account without entering your password.