6. 3D Panel

6. 3D Panel

6.1. Navigation in the 3D model

There are currently two navigation methods implemented in Twinspect.

SHIFT: In all modes, the movement and zooming speed is faster when pressing SHIFT.

Mouse Navigation

  • Left click and hold and move mouse → rotate around the Pivot Point
  • Right click and hold and move mouse → move the Pivot Point
  • Mousewheel → zoom towards to or away from Pivot Point (maximum Zoom is the Pivot Point)
  • Double left click → the perspective will zoom in and center the spot, if available and active, matching photos will be shown at the top in the Photo Panel

Keyboard Navigation

  • Q: move down
  • E: move up
  • W, Arrow Up: moving forwards
  • A, Arrow Left: moving left
  • S, Arrow Down: moving backwards
  • D, Arrow Right: moving right


6.2. First-Person Mode

First-person mode is an alternative navigation method. If activated via the button in the toolbar, the mouse is no longer represented by a cursor but will reflect the user's perspective directly. Therefore, it is not possible to annotate in the first-person mode, as there is no mouse cursor available.

Keyboard Navigation

  • Q: move down
  • E: move up
  • W, Arrow Up: moving forwards
  • A, Arrow Left: moving left
  • S, Arrow Down: moving backwards
  • D, Arrow Right: moving right

Press ESC to return to the default navigation mode (orbital navigation).


6.3. Annotation & Measurement

Annotations are made on images in the photo panel. Measurements and markings are made directly on the 3D model in the 3D panel. Both annotation forms are managed in the annotation panel and enriched, for example with metadata. However, currently only (photo) annotations are output in reports.

It is only possible to add measurements and markings to the 3D model in orbital mode.


6.4. Annotation & Measurement Toolbar