Export your project with Reality Capture for TWINSPECT

Export your project with Reality Capture for TWINSPECT

1. Important – be sure to read this BEFORE you process your model

Make sure that all the required files are included in the upload:



FormatOther specifications
OBJ and MTL FilesWavefront OBJ 
Textures*.jpg or *.pngResolution not more than 8192 x 8192 pixel, not more than 100 pieces
Camera parameter file*.csv 
Original images*.jpg or *.png 


  • The camera file must be exported in Block Exchange XML format.
  • The textures must always have a power of two as the number of pixels. Here, the highest resolution of a texture may be 8192 x 8192 pixels. The textures must be in *.jpg or *.png format. The number of textures must not exceed 100.
  • Check your camera file (CSV) again before uploading. Make sure that all images you want to see in TWINPSECT are in this camera file. During the upload your data will be validated again. Check the number of images in the validation overview.
  • Please read the step-by-step instructions carefully. The red marked parts are very important and determine the success of your project upload.

2. Export your TWINSPECT® model

Local coordinate system

Build and export mesh

At first, the produced 3D model needs to be exported from RealityCapture. For this, please go to the Reconstruction tab in RC and click "Model" in the Export section (highlighted in green).


This will open the following dialog. Here you can specify the filename of the mesh model. Please make sure to choose the Wavefront obj (*.obj) option as the file type. To change the file type, please open the drop-down menu like shown below.


The following option dialog will show up. Use these options and parameters to export your 3D mesh model into the Wavefront obj format.


Click OK to export the 3D mesh model, along with the corresponding texture files. In the next step, the camera alignment file (i.e., the registration) needs to be exported.


Export Camera

In the next step, the camera alignment file (i.e., the registration of RC) needs to be exported. For this, please go to the Alignment tab in RC and click "Registration" in the Export section (highlighted in green).


This will open the following dialog for choosing the filename of the exported alignment file. Please make sure to select Internal/External camera parameters as the file type. To change the file type, open the drop-down menu like shown below.


The following export options dialog will show up. Use these options and parameters to export the registration into the CSV file.



Georeferenced coordinate system

Create your model according to your wishes and then follow the export steps below:


Switch to the Workflow tab and click on the Settings button.


A window with the application settings will now open on the left-hand side.


Click on the icon with the three dots to open the Project coordinate system window.


Enter the EPSG code of your model in the search field and confirm your selection with the Select button. Then confirm that you also want to customize the Output coordinate system.
If you are unsure which EPSG code your project has, please upload an image of your model to https://srs.twinsity.com and copy the EPSG Code.

In the end, the settings should look something like this:


Export Model

Switch to the Workflow tab and click on the Export button.


Enter “obj” in the filter and click on the Wavefront obj button in the Dense Mesh Model and Textures category.


Now make sure that all settings are as shown in the following picture and save your model.


Export Camera

Switch to the Workflow tab and click on the Export button.


Enter “camera parameters” in the filter and click on the Internal/External camera parameters button in the Camera Alignment category.


Now make sure that all settings are as shown in the following picture and save your camera file.



You can add as many original images to your TWINSPECT project as you like. It is not necessary to import all the original images used to create the model. You can just skip the alignment images and import the inspection images only.

There are two ways to choose a subset of your original images:

  1. define an image selection in RC before exporting the camera alignment CSV file, or
  2. choose an image folder containing only a subset of your original images when specifying the root folder of the images to be imported into TWINSPECT.

3. Create your Twinsity Account and login

To create an account, please visit the TWINSPECT Dashboard:


Log in with an existing account on the start page or register a new one. 


Tick the checkbox "Keep me signed in" to stay logged in after leaving the application. You will have to log in anew, if you actively log out in your previous session.

To register a new account, click "Sign In" to open the registration window. Click "Create an Account" and follow the instructions.



4. Upload your TWINSPECT® model

To upload the project to TWINSPECT®, press the "Create" button in our dashboard.


Now there are 5 steps to upload your project:


  1. Enter the name of your project, the asset type, and choose “Reality Capture” reconsturction software.
  2. Under "Select Source Folder", select the folder containing all project data files. Depending on the browser, select "View files" to display the images.                                                                   
    Important: Our upload only works with Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge internet browsers.
  3. We validate your data before you can upload the data to avoid any problems. If there are errors in your data, they will be displayed here.
  4. Your project will be uploaded.
  5. Your project is uploaded.

When your project is uploaded, you will see it under the "Project Draft" item in our dashboard.

Once the project is processed, the model will be displayed under the "Projects" item.
